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Ridge Augmentation Mesa, AZ

Patient X-rays taken to promote Ridge Augmentation procedure from East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center in Mesa, AZWhen you lose your teeth, several things begin to happen. Most noticeably, your smile diminishes, and you have a more difficult time with basic tasks like eating and speaking. Tooth loss also has a hidden effect. Under the gums, the jawbone begins to grow weak. The teeth are responsible for stimulating the bone, which tells the body to send nutrients. Without your teeth, the stimulation grows weaker, leading to fewer nutrients being sent. Over time, the jaw loses height, width, and mass. Dental Implants are a revolutionary treatment for tooth loss that not only restores the basic functions and aesthetics of your mouth but stops the loss of bone mass in your jaw. However, for implants to be successful, you need to have sufficient bone mass in your jaw. At East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center, we can restore lost bone mass, making dental implants possible with a ridge augmentation.

Dental Implants and Your Jaw

Dental implants are unlike any other treatment for missing teeth out there. They consist of small titanium posts that are surgically implanted into your jaw. The bone then fuses to the posts as you heal, a process called osseointegration, gradually integrating them. When you have fully healed, the implants are stable, immobile roots that provide support for your replacement teeth. However, for osseointegration to be successful, you need to have sufficient bone mass left. Without it, implants may be loose or never integrate at all.

What is a Ridge Augmentation?

A ridge augmentation is a surgical procedure that is designed to restore lost bone mass before undergoing Dental Implant surgery. The bone mass is replaced with a bone graft, which involves taking bone material either from your own body or a donor and implanting it into the areas of weakness. As you heal, your existing bone mass fuses too, or around, the graft, restoring strength and shape to your jaw.

Types of Bone Grafts

There are a few different types of grafts that may be used in your ridge augmentation. During your consultation, we will discuss the different types of grafts and determine which one is the best for your needs. Types of grafts include:

•  Autogenous. This graft uses your bone mass. While there is no risk of disease transmission or rejection, two surgical sites are needed.
•  Allogenic. This graft uses bone mass from a compatible donor. The bone is screened before use, reducing the risk of disease transmission, and only one surgical site is needed.
•  Xenogenic. This graft uses highly processed bone mass from another species, such as a cow or pig. Like allogenic grafts, there is only one surgical site.
•  Synthetic bone grafting materials, such as demineralized bone matrix or bone morphogenic proteins.

How is a Ridge Augmentation Performed?

A ridge augmentation is done under local anesthetic and sedation. Surgery begins with small incisions in your gums. We then placed the bone graft material into the weak areas of the jaw. Before closing your gums, a thin membrane may be placed over the bone. It is designed to prevent faster healing soft tissue from interfering with bone healing. Finally, the gums are sutured closed.

Healing from a ridge augmentation can take up to a year. During this time, your bones to or around the graft material, restoring the strength of your jaw. We closely monitor your progress during this time, making sure the bone is fusing properly, and there are no complications. Once you have fully healed from surgery, the process for getting your dental implants can begin.

With bone mass restored, your jaw can provide the support that Dental Implants need for success. For more information, and to find out if a ridge augmentation is right for you, call East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center today at (480) 900-2771.

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3048 E Baseline Rd
Suite 112
Mesa, AZ 85204


(480) 900-2771
Fax: 480-827-9703
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8952 E. Desert Cove
Suite #D-101
Scottsdale, AZ 85260


(480) 400-6523
Fax: 480-661-9277
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East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center | | (480) 900-2771
3048 E Baseline Rd, Suite 112, Mesa, AZ 85204
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Ridge Augmentation Mesa, AZ • East Valley Implant & Perio Center
Ridge Augmentation in Mesa, AZ, offered by East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center. We are committed to your complete oral health and radiant smile! (480) 376-2848
East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center, 3048 E Baseline Rd, Suite 112, Mesa, AZ 85204; (480) 900-2771;; 1/29/2025; Page Keywords: dental implants Mesa AZ;