Dental Implants Could Help You Improve Oral and Overall Health |
Posted on 11/9/2020 by Todd Jorgenson |
We have all heard the warnings about tooth decay and proper flossing and brushing twice a day. Even with the best intentions, we do not always follow instructions or good advice. There are also cases where genetics trump all efforts to take care of our teeth and we lose them. Believe it or not, but tooth loss is not just a cosmetic problem altering our appearance, but a very real health concern.
How Does Oral Health Impact Overall Health?
With open spaces in our mouth, teeth will try to move into the newly vacated area. With no tooth in the space there is no opposing force to the tooth in the opposite jaw which can lead to the weakening of gum tissue and supporting bone structure and eventual tooth loss and bone mass loss.
Getting a tooth replacement can help to maintain proper biting motion and pressure so bone structure remains strong. It helps to keep nearby teeth and gums healthy by removing bacteria and infection present in the vacant space in the gums.
Dental implants provide a perfect alternative to natural teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, which slip and slide out of place and require adhesive to try and make them stay in a fixed state, dental implants are imbedded into the jawbone. This allows teeth to be permanently fixed in the mouth so patients do not have to change their diet and can continue to eat the foods they love. The artificial teeth look more like natural teeth than traditional dentures too.
This helps to cut down on potentially deadly diseases. Gum Disease has been linked to heart disease, respiratory disease, different types of arthritis and diabetes. Patients should realize the mouth is a perfect avenue for bacteria to enter the body. If there is inflamed gum tissue, the infection can easily enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.