When to Turn to a Ridge Augmentation |
Posted on 7/23/2020 by Todd Jorgenson |
A ridge augmentation may be implemented for a variety of reasons, however, the most common implementation of a ridge augmentation is after receiving dental implants. Ridge augmentations seek to reshape the gum line and strengthen the jaw after bone loss has occurred due to disease or surgery. Occasionally, ridge augmentation can be used if a tooth extraction does not heal properly, or it may be necessary for a tooth implant to hold securely.
While ridge augmentation can be medically necessary for dental implants, it can also be done cosmetically to create a more even jaw and even gum line. Ridge augmentation can help improve the gum line by making the underlying jawbone more even, giving the gum line and jaw a natural shape.
How is a Ridge Augmentation Completed?
Bone graft material that is either synthetic or obtained through surgery can be used to reconstruct the tooth socket from which a tooth has been extracted. We may do this at the same time as a tooth is removed to avoid multiple procedures, however, different patients may require more than one procedure. After the bone implant is placed and fused to the tooth socket, we will place the gum tissue over the socket of the affected area and secure it in place with stitches. Once the graft material is sealed within the gum, the body will absorb the material and create a new ridge line. While not always necessary, it is possible to place a dental implant in the socket after the affected area is done healing. During the procedure, it may be a viable option to sedate the patient depending on the severity of the procedure.
After a ridge augmentation, we will give you oral care instructions while you wait for the healing process to complete. Generally, it will take between six to nine months to heal completely, and during this time certain foods may be restricted from eating.
We perform ridge augmentations when necessary, and we are willing to help you. Please call our office if you have any more questions or concerns, and we can talk about the benefits of ridge augmentation further.