Important Facts About Bleeding Gums
Posted on 8/20/2019 by Todd Jorgenson |
Do your gums bleed a little bit when you brush them? If they do, you might assume it's normal or nothing to really be concerned about. However, bleeding gums can actually be a sign of several different issues, and they're not normal.
You shouldn't ignore them, either, especially if they bleed almost every time you brush your teeth. Here are some important facts about bleeding gums that you need to be aware of.
They Might Bleed If You've Skipped FlossingIf you haven't been flossing regularly and then decide to get back into the habit, you may notice that your gums bleed a little bit. This does sometimes happen since your gums aren't used to coming into contact with the floss. However, it should stop after a week or two. If your gums keep bleeding after that, it's a sign that something else is going on. You should come in to see us so we can determine why.
You May Have GingivitisGingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is often the cause of bleeding gums. This can be one of the reasons why your gums bleed when you brush and floss. It's a sign that you need to step up your oral hygiene, cut out sugar, and come see us for a professional cleaning and checkup.
Bleeding Gums Don't Always HurtSome people don't take bleeding gums as seriously as they should because there's no pain. That's actually fairly common. You may never feel pain with bleeding gums, but it is a sign that something is damaging them.
It's Very Common
Bleeding gums and, by extension, gingivitis, is actually very common. It's usually a good sign that you've been slacking a bit on your oral hygiene and need to get back into the habit of regularly brushing and flossing. Unfortunately, since many people ignore it, they leave their gums and teeth vulnerable to gum disease.
If your gums have been bleeding fairly regularly, contact us today to set up an appointment. The earlier we can deal with gum disease, the better.