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"Helping Gums Repair Themselves When They Begin to Bleed"

Posted on 5/25/2018 by Todd Jorgenson
Bleeding Gums East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center AZ 85204If you have gums that are a bit touchier than you would like them to be, there are ways to not only help the bleeding but also to strengthen them so that this does not continue to happen. Your gums have an important job to do.

Most people think that they only job they have is to hold your teeth in place, but that is not the only thing they do. They help provide a protective barrier between the plaque and bacteria in your mouth and your bloodstream. This plays an important role in your overall health.

Strengthening Your Gums

If you want to strengthen your gums, then it's paramount that you are brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day. You could also opt to use a mouthwash to help bolster your oral routine.

However, make sure the mouthwash you are using has an antiseptic quality to it. This is great for time when your gums start to bleed. If you do not have any type of antiseptic mouthwash on hand, you can always use a bit of cold water instead.

There are numerous ways to go about strengthening your gums. One of which is through the use of a gum stimulator. These stimulators are designed to massage and, well, stimulate, the gingival tissue within your mouth. This also helps to stimulate blood flow. When using a gum stimulator, if your gums begin to bleed, simply rinse with cold water or use an antiseptic mouthwash.

As always, you can schedule an appointment and come into our office to speak with us about repairing or strengthening your gums. We will be happy to sit down with you and help you figure out the best way to take care of your mouth, teeth and gums!

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Scottsdale, AZ 85260


(480) 400-6523
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East Valley Implant & Periodontal Center, 3048 E Baseline Rd, Suite 112, Mesa, AZ 85204 | (480) 900-2771 | | 2/6/2025 | Related Terms: dental implants Mesa AZ |