Types of Essential Oils to Reduce Gum Inflammation
Posted on 2/10/2018 by Todd Jorgenson
Essential oils have been shown to provide many health benefits when used appropriately. One of the biggest uses is with oral health.
When a person is dealing with pain and inflammation in the mouth, they will seek out any way to reduce these problems. Essential oils are ideal for those that want something all natural and that do not come with side effects like many pain medications would have.
Choosing Essential Oils for Gum Inflammation
There are a number of essential oils out there that you can use to your advantage. When you are experiencing gum inflammation then you want to check into using tea tree, rosemary, frankincense and eucalyptus to reduce the effects that come with tooth pain and inflammation. Placing just one small drop on your finger and then onto the area that is inflamed can help reduce the inflammation.
For a more aggressive remedy for tooth pain and inflammation, mix up two tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil with 2 drops of clove and add in 2 drops of oregano.
Place the mix on the affected area. It is going to have a bit of a sting at first, but it will soothe the area and remove most of the pain that the person is feeling. This is a great pain and inflammation remedy for those that choose not to use pain medications.
Essential oils are just a quick, easy way to reduce any uncomfortableness that the person is experiencing in that moment. It is always important to speak with a professional regarding the problem you're having so that it is fixed and does not continue to cause problems.
If you're experiencing pain and inflammation, give our office a call today!. We can provide you with the help that is required so that you can feel much more comfortable once again.
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