What to Expect during Your Sinus Lift
Posted on 11/25/2015 by Todd Jorgenson |
If you have been referred for a sinus lift procedure, you may be nervous about the experience. By understanding what to expect throughout the procedure, you'll be better prepared for your sinus lift.
Why You Need a Sinus LiftPatients that have lost teeth in the molar or premolar area of the upper jaw often need a sinus lift so that dental implants can be put into place. After bone loss, the sinuses may have expanded in order to occupy the empty space in which the bone used to fill.
If there isn't enough bone to put the implant into place, a sinus lift will be used to relocate the bone away from the tooth roots.
Many patients are concerned about how a sinus lift might affect their sinuses. However, even though these procedures are fairly invasive, the sinuses typically aren't affected. You shouldn't experience any long term breathing issues or any other problems with your sinuses.
The Sinus Lift ProcedurePrior to the procedure, you'll be given a local anesthetic in order to numb the site. The actual procedure can then be performed in one of two ways:
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A doctor will create an opening within the bone to gain access to the sinus cavity. Then, with a small instrument, the doctor will gently move the sinus into a more desirable position. This can encourage natural growth of the bone, but grafting materials can be placed under the raised sinus cavity in order to mesh to the existing bone. |
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A second option is known as an augmentation, and it involves accessing the sinus cavity via an opening created in the bone. Bone will then be grafted to the sinus floor in order to improve the height. The sinus won't actually be lifted. |
Sinus lift procedures will typically take 4-9 months in order to heal entirely before you'll be able to have your dental implants put into place.
Please contact us if you have any questions about receiving a sinus lift. |